300 sheets of Tattoo Flash on CD. Buy It Now for $99.99.
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Bloodthirsty Tattoo Flash cd: 50 Sheets of tattoo art. BUY IT NOW $29.99

Felon’s Tattoo Flash. Over 100 sheets on cd. BUY IT NOW $59.99

Supreme’s 100 sheets of tattoo flash on cd. All 11x17” Sheets by top notch
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Yoshi Yamada’s 66 sheets of tattoo Flash on cd! (11x17” Sheets)
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Yoshi Yamada’s 2nd Vol. of Japanese Tattoo Art: 70 Sheets. BUY IT NOW $50

James Yamamoto’s 100 Sheets of Japanese Tattoo Flash.

James Yamamotos Japanese Tattoo Flash CD Vol.#2.
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Saki Bomb’s Japanese Tattoo Flash CD. 100 Sheets of 11x17” Flash.
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Saki Bomb’s Japanese Flash CD Volume #2. Buy It Now $49.99

Marcos Mensrea’s Aztec Flash CD. Vol.#1
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Marcos Mensrea’s Aztec Flash CD Vol.#2.
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4 Superior Japanese Tattoo Flash sets on 1 DVD. Includes James
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Shamus Mc Laughlin’s 100 Sheet tattoo cd. Buy It Now $49.99

Shamus McLaughlin’s Tattoo Flash CD Vol.#2.
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Zodiak’s 4,500 Tattoo Font-Lettering CD. Just type in your letters or numbers
on your computer and print them out as large or small as your customer wants!
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Female Tattoo Flash CD. 200 Sheets of Girls (11x14” and 11x17” Sheets)!
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Pussy Cat Flash Vol.1. 50 Sheets of Flash on CD!
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Female Flash: Pirate Edition. 61 Sheets on CD. Buy It Now $24.99